Breed: Samoyed:
- The Samoyed originated on the Artic Steppes of Siberia.
- It is a type of spitz breed.
- Samoyeds are strong, muscular dogs, bred to be sled dogs and herders of reindeer.
- They stand between 16 and 20 inches high at the withers and weigh between 40 and 60 pounds.
- They have upright ears, a long tail, and a wedge-shaped face with either a black or brown nose.
- Their coat is thick and full, with coarse, straight white hair -- well adapted to bitter cold climates.
- Their coat requires a good deal of grooming to keep clean and neat.
- A Samoyed can be pure white, white and biscuit (light reddish brown), biscuit, or cream colored.
- Samoyeds have enough hair inside their ears and over the pads of their feed to protect those extremeties from the cold.
- They like to bark!
- They love exercise and human company.
- Samoyeds are intelligent, friendly, and happy dogs.