Sirius of the Week for Oct. 30 - Nov. 5, 2005
Sam is our Sirius of the week, and his person-mom says,
"Sam is our 11 year old cocker spaniel/cockapoo cross. He's a large cockapoo, weighing
50 pounds...a lot more than the 15 pounds we thought he'd be.

Sam as a puppy

Sam grown up
"He shares his home with his older, and much smaller, cockapoo 'brother' Max
[who was a Sirius of the week on Oct. 9. 2005]. Sam's favorite activities are eating and
sleeping. He loves to sleep with his head propped on a pillow or lap, and sometimes we'll
even find him on our kitchen table! He also enjoys sitting on the porch and barking at
anything he sees. The neighbors love him! :o) He may never win a medal for 'perfect dog'
but, from the first day we saw our puppy Sam, he won our hearts."

The table makes a great nap place

What's out there?!
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