"Oscar is a thirteen year old Schnauzer who creates artwork with his nose. His work is
color enhanced and then turned into artistic, all purpose note cards. He dedicates his
remaining years towards helping less fortunate animals by donating part of the proceeds
from the sale of his cards to humane organizations such as the Arizona Humane Society,
Alliance for Companion Animals, Altered Tails, etc. He also offers condolence cards
which can be personalized.

"I nearly lost him a few years ago to a severe case of valley fever. He was cured after
two years of treatment. I feel so blessed to have a few more years with him and his art
has given us a way to work together, and to help other animals. Also, Oscar can live on
through his art, and donations to numerous animal welfare organizations.
"Oscar has a 'sister', a cat named Zena, and he loves to set her up for
ambush any time he can. He'll wait quietly for her to come around the
and then the chase is on. She gets revenge by chasing him up the
swatting him on the butt with her front paws, and then running away.
Oscar does what we call 'fly-bys' to our two African Grey parrots when
they're walking around the house. He starts at one end of the room,
gets up
as much speed as he can, and then charges at them at breakneck speed,
turning away at the last second. They pretty much ignore him at this
He isn't on a special diet because of the valley fever but has been
low-residue Eukanuba for about 13 years. He has that sensitive,
tummy. He can eat people food as long as it's not too starchy or
spicy. He
very much enjoys sharing my steak dinner every Sunday night.
He loves people food, walks, car rides (which is where he creates his
and, of course, hogging the bed every night. He has to be involved in
activity going on in 'his' house."