Sirius of the Week for July 17 - 23, 2005
Nikki is a Bichon Frise who lives in Alaska. She loves
people and goes into a happy frenzing greeting them.

The tail's a blur -- Nikki's happy!
She also is a smart little dog who knows several
tricks; her favorite one is to sneeze on command -- or
when she wants something. Her person-mom writes,
"Nikki loves cornmeal cookies and almost any food
(people type!). In fact as long as she sees my mouth
chewing, she's very hopeful, and puts on her little
sneezing act to coax me into sharing. Billy brings me
breakfast in bed and a snack of meat for her. Somehow
she gets half of my egg, and bacon, and half of my
toast. Does she have my number or what?"

What's in here?
Aside: The American Kennel Club and the Bichon Frise
Club of America spell the name of Nikki's breed as
"Brichon Frise", although many people spell it
"Bischon Frise," with an 's' in "Bischon."

Whew! Worn out from running around!
This photo was taken a little later and shows Nikki in
her favorite spot in the car.

Here she is going on a Sunday Drive:

Nikki Enjoys a Ride
Nikki also likes her treats, which she gets in reward
for her many tricks:

I do like my little rewards!
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