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Siriuses of the Week for July 3 - 9, 2005

Our submitter writes,

"This is short tale about my little dogs that I've owned since they were tiny puppies about 6 weeks old. Scruffy will be 5 years old in October and he's a mix Yorkie/Pekinese. Buddy just turned 4 years old in May; he is a mix Silky/Poodle.



"While Scruffy is the smaller of the two, weighing in at 10 pounds and Buddy about 18 pounds, Scruffy would seem to be the stronger of the two since he can pull a sock out of your hand at play with little or no effort. Scruffy can also do twirls for a treat while Buddy tries real hard but ends up falling over in the effort.

"On bath day I wrap them up in dry towels to keep warm after drying them. One particular bath day Scruffy decided he wanted to jump on top of Buddy before I could wrap him in a towel. This was the first time Scruffy ever did this. He must have thought Buddy needed some extra warmth so he jumped on top. I couldn't resist snapping a picture with my cell phone with Buddy on the bottom and Scruffy on top all wrapped up in towels. I also took a single shot of Scruffy on top too! They're both such sweet dogs! I love them so much!"

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