Sirius of the Week for January 9 - 15, 2005
Our submitter writes,
"Travis was a "used" dog -- found running loose by a friend and
brought to our house to be the official outside dog. He is
roughly one year old, and has a wonderfully kind disposition --
readily accepting the advances of the resident Jack Russells.
Travis loves to be with people, and will hop into the car or truck
in the hopes of going for a ride any time the door is open. He also
is very obedient, and is a great companion when we take the horses
out for a trail ride."

Here he is hanging out in the hay barn, enjoying himself.

He's having fun mucking about
in the mud and water on vacation in New Mexico. His person-mom says that
he is such a good dog who never needed to be on a leash. So he could
do whatever he wanted, because he always came when called. Unlike
his Jack Russell canine siblings.

A Dog's Life
Travis enjoying his Christmas present:

Me and my toy
Christmas 2008:

Travis doesn't really like these antlers!
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