Sirius of the Week for September 19 - 25, 2004
Our star this week is Baron and his person writes,
"This is our little, 80 pound, 6 month old baby, German Rotweiler boy
Baron. He has been a great joy for our family. I have never had a
big dog. He is a love bug with my girls and does nothing but love,
eat sleep, and poo.

"When daddy put the Flowmaster sticker on his butt we found it so
funny that he didn't mind the bumper sticker and it just fit! We
are very proud of our BIG little baby boy and make room for him
every growth spurt."

"Baron is a gentle giant. He is quick to play and love on anyone
that comes in the door. Rotweilers have always had a 'bad' name in
the dog world; however, he proves otherwise. He loves to catch the
ball in a catch style you would play with a little boy. He has great
eye-mouth coordination and shows us the determination to do more.
His drive is to please, and his little nub tail wags like crazy at
any given moment you look at him. I believe that a dog is all about
what you put into them -- if you give them love you will receive love.
If you give them negative treatment, they will relay that as well.
No matter what breed. We love our little flowmaster and he will
always be my little sugar bear no matter how big he gets."
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